Ways to Drive Traffic to Website and To Social Media


Many business and big enterprises have taken the path of digital marketing to influence the growth and credibility of their businesses. Creating websites and social media are the basic steps to start with digital marketing. However, the digital marketer must be aware of the ways in which the content can be developed and the users search for the website in particular.

What is website traffic?

Website traffic is the result of web presence of a particular website. A business concern creates a website and a social media account for marketing. However, that is not sufficient. The digital marketers have to timely update the website and create content to influence the potential customers. The webpage must have sufficient matter to become the most searched webpage on the search engine.

How to increase traffic to the website and social media

Social media or website traffic increases when the page is readily available for the customers every time they look out for the business. There are some steady rules that influence the traffic on the websites and social media.

 Use visuals to inspire the audience

Content is always the king, but the visual content is a step ahead. Visuals help in gaining the attention of the audience. The digital marketer must use attractive visuals, high-level photography, visuals to describe a story or event, visuals to show products and services. The pictures and graphs used help the audience to take an instant decision whether to go ahead or not.

 Make the content easily sharable

Today, every consumer and potential customer is easily available on mobile. The business owners must create responsive websites that are easily accessible. According to a recent study almost 70% of consumers access social media accounts on mobile. In order to increase the web traffic, the business enterprises must add buttons that are mobile friendly and easy to access. Moreover, the content must be such that it can be shared over mobile apps and social media accounts.

When and how to post

The business enterprises must take care of the number of posts they are posting every day or every week. Utmost care must be taken to update the pages every week at least so that the consumers find interest in your web page. The social media account or the web site must not be dormant. The more active is your page, the more attention is grabbed. Ultimately, the traffic also increases.

Update the SEO

Since SEO keywords are the biggest factor that influences website traffic, care must be taken to post the content accordingly. The website or social media page must be updated with SEO keywords on a regular basis to optimize more traffic. Not following the SEO practices would result in the reduction of website rank leading to drop in the number of clicks.

  Research the competitors

Businesses always have competitors. The catch is how to remain always on top and fight back the competition. The business owners must research on the tactics that the competitors are using to have a better idea to increase the traffic on the websites. Researching on their competitors helps the businesses to know what engages the audience more and try new methods accordingly.


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