Leadership - What's it all about ?

The success of an organization mainly depends on the knowledge, leadership capabilities and working style of its leaders, therefore working style matters the most. Businesses of this generation are facing new challenges and disruptive competition in addition to facing higher expectations from employees, shareholders and other stakeholders, therefore, it’s necessary for leaders of this generation to embrace good qualities from successful leaders, learn from experiences and spread responsibility and accountability throughout.

In a traditional sense, leader is known as a person with strategic vision capable of making right decisions even under unrealizable environment. However, what makes a difference between a successful leader and an unsuccessful one is their working style or behavior.

Be There Always

Always be approachable and transparent, spend quality time with people, understand their working style, problems, ideas and be right there whenever they need. Rather than criticizing when things go wrong, hold hands and take responsibility, cultivate a mindset that every problem that is there gives an opportunity to learn and experience the other side of us, this positive attitude will enable them to deal with any type of problem without getting stressed.

Work along with them

Leader should not feel superior about himself, because at the end of the day their ideas or vision is being executed by people, so people are always integral force of an organization, rather than supervising people, leader should always work along with his people and bring his people to greater heights so as to achieve success holistically, leader should be a person whom people should always look up-to to handle any kind of situation or problem.

    Speed in Decision Making

    Successful leaders stand out for being more decisive. In other words, these leaders make decisions earlier, faster and with much conviction. Decisive leaders recognize that they cannot wait for perfect information and inspires his or her team members to trust their own judgment on operational decisions. Enabling people to make right decisions means enabling them towards accountability and responsibility which is the way to go.

    Be a Good Listener

      Listen to what people have to say, give people an opportunity to explain about their success stories, problems they are facing and about their ideas. To understand people very well, leader’s should be good listener’s, when you start listening to the voices of your people, you will start building a strong collaboration with them which is very much needed for the success of team or an organization, on the other hand people will also feel happy that their problems, ideas are being heard and properly responded and happy people are always productive.

    Serving People 

    Hiring best talents is not just enough, leader should be able to understand the problems people are going through and should help them in figuring out the solutions, guiding them in right path, providing them with all relevant tools, training and information and making the environment conducive is very crucial to attain success. Another important thing is that leader should do is to make his team lean towards self-learning, self-exploration and enable them to be positive with can-do attitude.


·       High on Reliability                                                                                      

   leaders who believes on reliability sets realistic expectations up front and resist the temptation of jumping into execution mode. Leader should induce conducive environment for it’s people to work SMART rather than working hard, when this culture is imbibed, people will be clear with the expectations and become more reliable with work and with organization.

    Proactive Adaptability 

    A leader who is more adaptable to long-term thinking as much as 50% is more likely to plug in and scan wide networks and diverse source of data or information is able to sense change earlier thereby making strategic moves to take advantage of such information. Successful leaders who are proactive to adaptability are able to recognize that setbacks are an integral part of changing course and treat these mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.

·         Human Values  

     A person or an organization without human values will soon see a downfall, as such leader should treat every person with enriched human values, create an environment with proper work life balance, foster an environment where people love to create, learn, love, help each other, collaborate and maintain integrity. At the end of the day everything is relationships, value humans and their relationships.

·        Art of Uplifting 

    When people are doing really well, they need to be appreciated and plans should be in place for them to move onto next level and achieve bigger. When people are not doing well, understand where they are struggling, come up with an improvement plan, personally guide underperforming resources, when the problem area is addressed and proper training is provided, people can do miracles, there will be no bad performers, either they are not liking the work or they are not learning it properly, truly speaking performance of people lies within the hands of leader.

Finally, leader is regarded as successful when all the people in the team or an organization are performing at their best without deviating from the core values.

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